Thursday, June 2, 2011

I just realized...

...I completely forgot to mention how much I'd lost/gained in my NOWFE post a few days ago! It took me a bit to recover from the food induced haze on Friday. It's also because things on the diet front have not been very good.

Well, I gained three pounds last week and NOWFE was my 87th cheat, setting me back to a loss of 79 pounds.

How depressing huh? My weight has been bouncing up and down by a pound or two, but basically it was staying in the same place for so damned long, that I got extremely frustrated. I started to cheat more often on little things like 2% milk in my coffee instead of nonfat, using sugar when we ran out of Equal, not drinking enough water, having buttered toast for a midnight snack and doing a whole lot of sitting on my ever-widening ass.

But, don't lose faith in me yet! Something clicked in my brain this past Saturday. I'm not sure what triggered it, perhaps my subconscious misery finally came forth into the light and slapped me in the face, but I started out fresh and new again...a health regime re-birth, if you will. Ever since that fateful moment, I have been exercising (with John) everyday using different pilates workouts and have been completely on the "straight and narrow" with my eating habits again and you know what? I am feeling a lot better, too. All I can do is keep trying, right?


Celeste said...

good for you for getting back into the groove...the ridiculous heat is killing my appetite, hopefully that will show up on the scale.

Unknown said...

I wish the heat affected me that way. ;) Thanks for your encouragement!